The Confessions: A Love Poem


A Love Poem

Dear Rebecca,
I write you on our 1 week aniversary, for the speacial occasion I composed a beautiful love poem

Our love is good, by me

Our love is so strong and sweet
like when I make you smell my feet

You are more beautiful then a Rose
But you do have a big nose

When we met, I didn't know what to say
So I asked you how much you weigh

You can come over any day
cause it makes me look like I'm not gay

You can be sure im a winner
and you can always make me dinner

Our first date we ate on deck
I even let you pay the check

Im with you cause I think your funny
plus you do have a lot of money

I make your Mom call me Mister
I also am dating your younger sister

Ill give you all that love can lend
Ill even try getting with your friend

But know that I love you forever
that is until I get back together
with Heather

Chester Smith

P.s The flowers are for your sister