The Confessions: looking for a job...


looking for a job...

So here is summer, came so quickly, and now I must find a job. I dont know what to do though, ive often thought about fighting crime due to my superior muscle complex. Or maby work in a chinease place, naww, chinease people creep me out, why? Cause whenever you walk in there they always have that grin on their face, and then the converstation goes like this.
chinease man: oh , how are you today sir, you sit her , ok?

me: yea ok

chinease man: ( to other chinease man) da to naga sowie pun na la tore( evil grin)

me: ...........what

Another reason they creep me out cause in chinease places why do they have american paintings up on the wall, i always feel like they are looking through the painting at me,

Me: umm waiter, why is mona lisas eyes so squinty in this painting,

waiter: ummmmm, she looking in sun......yea....she looking in sun when the painting was taken( turns to other waiter) to do la muca naca ( evil laugh)

me: .....what

ok, forget about chinease people, maby I can work in the woods, like as a guide, yea, ive always had a fantasy about being in the woods, I would ride a dear around named oliver, and we would .......wait a minute, I got it, I would ride a deer around named oliver , we would fight crime in chinese restaurants in the woods.........excellent