The Confessions: Sports according to Adam


Sports according to Adam

Sports, a funny thing when I was younger, I used to love them, now I dont like them that much, why? well first off theres basketball. The only game my dad ever came to, (he gets out of work even) and i screw it up. There i was, on the court. The ball is passed to me, i shoot( underhand) towards the basket, it goes in.( secret rule about basketball that they dont tell you, when you make a basket you have to act cool, as if you knew it was going to go in, and you dont care that you scored) As i saw that ball go in, i was amazed, shocked even. So i screamed, " yayyy, yes, i did it, alright( thumbs up), that was for you dad, ( point to dad). As i celebrate a fellow teamate comes up to me and says this.

Teamate: uhhh adam

Me: yea, i did it i know arent you proud( smiling like a idiot)

Teamate: no, it was the wrong basket

Me: what

As i look up to my dad, every one is sitting down except him, just him standing up, looking at me.( some of that is fictional, but it sounds good) so my basket ball days were over, now baseball, a diferent animal, i am proud to say i only hit 3 balls i think( no it wasent tee ball). Then theres soccer, I was a sharp shooter, ( the only goal i made was when the goalie tripped and it went it)
well thats how sports turned sour, so now i am trying new ones, Track