The Confessions: 12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006


Questions that need to be answerd part 2

I have suceeded in compiling even more questions for the human mind to ponder, please take careful consideration with these ones, these are my deep thoughts, so without further adu, Questions that need to be answered part 2...

1. Do race horses even know they are racing?

2. During the Salem Witch trials, if they where really witches couldnt they have just broken free?

3. Do nudist use the expression, " who wears the pants in this family"?

4. If Superman has super speed, why doesent he just use that everytime.

5. Do gay men really like men, cause come on, a man is nothing more than an ugly women right?

6. Does the Pope ever piss in the woods?

7. Should I wear a T-shirt that doesnt say, " Save a horse, ride a cowboy", but replace it with, " Save a horse, ride in a car you slut".

8. Can bears stop breaking out of zoos? lets have some fun animals, like the peguins.

9. If there was such thing as a time travel device, shouldnt they be coming back to our time soon?

10. When will Micky Mouse go through puberty?

11. How is Bob Barker still alive?

12. When will rappers realize that their bling is nothing more than Jewlery?

13. Will people stop saying a first date is like a job interview? Because thats just stupid, I dont end up naked at a job interview, then again I dont end up naked on a
date either?

14. If priest Molest a Altar boy, does he become an Altar Man?